
Detecting Other Objects and Animals

A project log for LoRa + Neural Network Security System

Spot trespassers with a neural network and transmit basic results via LoRa

capt-flatus-oflahertyCapt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ 12/23/2018 at 14:200 Comments

The '' file is a generic 'live-object-detection' script and can be modified very easily to detect a total of 20 different objects.

If we look at line 119:

# "Class of interest" - Display detections only if they match this class ID
CLASS_PERSON         = 15

To detect dogs, just change this to:

# "Class of interest" - Display detections only if they match this class ID
CLASS_DOG         = 12

Also, line 200 needs to be changed as well:

        # Filter a specific class/category
        if( output_dict.get( 'detection_classes_' + str(i) ) == CLASS_PERSON ):

Although the person class worked really well and was quite impressive, the dog class was a little bit underwhelming and not nearly as good as some of the other models I've tested. Nonetheless, here's the full list of classes available with this model:

  1. Aeroplane
  2. Bycycle
  3. Bird
  4. Boat
  5. Bottle
  6. Bus
  7. Car
  8. Cat
  9. Chair
  10. Cow
  11. Diningtable
  12. Dog
  13. Horse
  14. Motorbike
  15. Person
  16. Pottedplant
  17. Sheep
  18. Sofa
  19. Train
  20. TVmonitor
