
Dragon porthole wallpaper

A project log for Silly hardware wishlist

Too simple for a project page & which may never happen.

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 09/21/2021 at 20:430 Comments

The video wallpaper idea has usually entailed completely covering all the walls with LCD panels showing a simulated forest.  A more affordable option is a more conventional single panel picture frame, but what to show on a single panel was unknown, besides maybe 25 year old flesh.  The god fearing Amerikan people outside would disapprove.  Then an idea came

It could be a spaceship porthole showing the Earth passing outside.  It could be a live view of Earth, from weather satellites, with an actual orbit position.  The dragon porthole is quite artistic on its own.  

The lion kingdom still couldn't justify buying a large LCD panel just for that. There would have to be a way to switch to 25 year old flesh.  
