

A project log for Skeleton Attiny85 Handheld

I2C OLED connected to an Attiny85 and a Charlie-plexed button matrix

davedarkodavedarko 01/08/2019 at 21:154 Comments

At one point I had a thought that I could vary the time between asking the charlieplexed buttons and add a piezo buzzer to one pin to get some noises out of the little handheld. But then you would have to have sound all the time, because you want to scan the buttons as well.

It would make much more sense to have the buttons connected via a bunch of resistors to the ADC, so you get free pins and a way to add a buzzer. The project I named in an earlier log is a way better basis to do so. 

It was fun to solder up the prototype and build a charlieplexed "keyboard" for the first time, but programming a game for it wasn't really on the time table sadly. I enjoyed the positive feedback from everyone on social media though and might think of something at a later point. Thanks for having this contest, hackaday people!

Hehe... just noticed the countdown said "since" and not "until". Anyways, nice to add some thoughts afterwards then!


deʃhipu wrote 01/08/2019 at 22:16 point

You know what would be hardcore? Vary the display's I2C or SPI clock to play the tunes :P

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davedarko wrote 01/08/2019 at 23:05 point

whenever I touched the I2C legs with the piezo by accident, the display fried.. sooo that would be impressive indeed :D

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deʃhipu wrote 01/09/2019 at 10:15 point

obviously some filtering would be necessary (it should be there even when using any other pin anyways)

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davedarko wrote 01/09/2019 at 13:48 point

still not sure I2C likes that

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