
Battery Micro Soldering Iron

A project log for Scrap Tools

Tools Made From Scrap

morningstarMorning.Star 12/09/2018 at 08:310 Comments

This device had rather a long evolution...

Trying to solder up my LED cubes required some extensive lateral thinking to get around the lack of a temperature controlled needle point for soldering the backs of these horrible new components.

It can be done with a decent iron which I dont have. Well, I do, its an Antex with a needle point tip, but it isnt TC and as a result just boils solder off. Its also a little large for 0402, I can do 0805 with it.

The problem of overheating the solder is still an issue. To make these tiny blobs the solder has to be quite cool, just over its melting point. Conduction soldering is already a technique I use, as copper does it so well, so I adapted the idea and wrapped a thick shaped wire around the iron to transfer only a percentage of the heat to the soldering point... This works really well.

I havent shown it here, but you can actually control the amount of heat going to the tip with a bead of solder on the original iron tip, touching the copper. Big bead, hot tip. No bead, cool tip. ;-D

However its not the easiest way of doing things...

I gave up smoking and bought myself a series of gadgets to replace it with, vaping is a good alternative for me. I even got into building my own hardware, but its messy and fiddly, worse than roll-ups. So I got myself a decent tank and PSU and am done with that nonsense lol.

The hardware is highly useful though.

I insulated a copper tip with Kapton and wound it with a 2-Ohm heater coil. From experience with vaping coils I know this wont burn the power supply up.

All the same, I cautiously set the power low to begin with. Just as well really, 5 volts 2 amps proved to be more than plenty, and a couple of seconds on the button brings that up to soldering temperature pretty quickly.

It IS a bit of a mess though, and I also want the PSU for other things, so I wont build it into the iron.

Instead, it'l plug in.

I'm now in the middle of moving, so I havent cased anything yet, this is as far as I got.

Copper conducts heat so well I wont be able to use that for long comfortably, so it still needs a cotton boot over the handle. It wont need much, the iron only heats during use, and the power supply has an auto-cutoff after 10 seconds to prevent it accidentally depleting the battery in a pocket accidentally.
