After JLCPCB dropped the extra charges for coloured soldermasks, I decided to order a batch of PCBs in several colours to allow for quick and easy identification of program blocks. I (somewhat cheekily) pondered aloud on Twitter whether someone might sponsor this order - I am currently a student and even though JLCPCB's boards are cheap, when ordering six different colours of two designs, it still adds up. Alice from JLCPCB replied and kindly offered to cover the cost of the boards (and shipping!). 8^)
After trying the new, ATTiny841-based design on a breadboard, I finalised my new PCB layout and sent off the Gerbers. A week later a courier was knocking on my door with a nice big parcel. I resisted the urge to tear into the box and waited until I was able to film the unboxing (I need to tidy up the footage before I post it) and get a good look at the new boards.
So far I am impressed. There are some slight silkscreen issues on a few of the boards, but overall the quality seems excellent. I will post a follow up with a detailed review of the boards and the results of a test build, but for now I'll leave you with two pictures of the boards...

I can't wait to build some of these babies! 8^)
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