
Refining the focus (some thoughts)

A project log for Tangible programming

An Arduino-based tangible programming effort

amosAmos 07/05/2019 at 04:080 Comments

After some discussions with a few academics this past week, I have decided to work on (re-)defining the focus of this project. I want to make sure I keep the focus as tight as possible, because adding too much to the scope of this project will run the risk of diluting the core purpose. Keep it simple, focussed and to the point. (unlike my writing style!)

With that in mind, I want to redefine the purpose of this project: SPLaT is a simple programming language trainer, aimed primarily at young children and is intended to teach the basics of programming in a tactile manner. As such, the functionality is intended to be quite limited - integer variables only, simple arithmetic, simple loops and if/then/else conditionals. Functions, scoping of variables, advanced input/output functionality, etc. are all outside the scope of this initial project.

I had started to get carried away dreaming up extensions to the project which would allow functions, attaching Arduino-compatible sensors and modules, different input/output modules and so on, but the problem with this is I believe it detracts from the core promise of this as a tool to teach the fundamentals. If it becomes a general purpose programming tool, it loses its differentiation from other, similar general purpose products.

So, SPLaT will be a simple programming language trainer. The number of variables will be deliberately limited, the size of the variables will likewise be limited to 2-digit integers (0 to 99), and input/output will be limited to simply displaying values. If I get that all working, then I can start to think about extending the language, but I really need to keep the focus tight and simple for now.


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