
Day 3

A project log for Der Shredmeister

A shredding guitar pedal that shreds any notes that try to enter.

danieljsongerdaniel.j.songer 12/13/2018 at 22:060 Comments


To day we saw square wave signals generated by the op-amp but not the circuitry that was supposed to generate the square wave. This was the main problem we experienced today and spent most of the time trying to solve the issue of why our LEDs are not turning on and why there is very little current being driven through the entire circuit. We probed many different parts of the circuit to try and isolate the problem. Then we used actual guitar signals and could not get any output out of the circuit. We will meet tonight with an actual electric guitar and try some different problem solving techniques including attacking some of the problems we currently have in our circuit without audio signals.

Daniel and Jonathan
