
Day 4

A project log for Der Shredmeister

A shredding guitar pedal that shreds any notes that try to enter.

jonathanhigginsjonathan.higgins 12/14/2018 at 23:570 Comments

We had to make a lot of adjustments to our design today. After realizing that the op-amps were producing the square waves, we shifted our focus to using them to boost the signal to a point that the op-amps cut the top of the waves off, and then we chose to add another op-amp to keep the output signal from being too great. If it were kept at the output voltage of the first op-amp, the signal would be transferred to an amp at about 10 V (at its max), which would be too great for the guitar amp to handle. We started building our new circuit on separate breadboards so that we can put them in the box as a usable pedal, and we also calculated the best potentiometer and resistor combinations for the op-amps. We have, thus, made great progress in our circuit, but we still need to finish putting it together and testing it.

In addition to the time spent in class, we worked on the project until 5:45.

Daniel Songer, Jonathan Higgins
