It was all going so well. I tested forward and brake for both channels and it was working perfectly.

That is the magic smoke being released from the left braking mosfet. It was quite the event and I can tell you that mosfet never gave up.. it was positively glowing before I cut power. Perhaps I should have actually included the fuses in the test. :)
Somehow it seems to have taken the two drive mosfets with it during its demise. So it seems I will need to rebuild half of my board here to fix it. Ugh.
I have since discovered that the 2N3904 transistors I picked to drive my braking P channel mosfets have two different ratings online. One group is rated for 40v, the other for 60v. My battery voltage maxes out at 42v, so can only assume I have the cheaper ones. I am driving the P channel via a voltage divider to keep the gate voltage within the max Vgs of my mosfet here, so I'm basically left with that.
Currently rebuilding it with spade connectors, and seeing if I have some higher voltage rated NPN transistors here. Cross your fingers.
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Ouch, that really sucks ...
I know and hate the feeling of vital or hard to desolder components giving up. Had to deal with a few (like a 40 pin SSOP), but luckily nothing as bad as a BGA or so.
In any case, I really hope fixing things will go well, and that you can figure out the problem with the FET!
Broken BJTs due to the voltage are definitely a possible culprit, especially if they drive the FET gate improperly.
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Pretty sure it was either the gate of the BJT floated up (somewhat unlikely) or it failed shorted due to overvoltage (pretty likely). I didn't have a pulldown resistor on that BJT gate but I won't need it when actually hooked up to the MCU.
In either case it turned on my braking FET while I was testing forward... so.. pop. I got spares of everything I used and a handful of BC337 NPN transistors rated at 50v, so.. just more work.
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As usual.
I'm working on a small series of Lasertag sets, 4 at once, so... That'll be fun to solder <.<
Good luck!
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