
Bondo and bending batteries

A project log for REMB - Raz0r Electric Mountain Board

An electric mountain board, built from scooter parts.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 07/28/2019 at 05:310 Comments

The chains got shortened.  Punching the pins out straight away didn't work.  I had to push the pin one way, grind the flared ends with a diamond bit in a Dremel, and then punch them back through the other way.  The pins were harder than my file..

The board got coated in body filler today a number of times and sanded. I decided to plug the holes for the foot straps and clean up the transition better where I added the plywood to the top.  It then got a couple coats of silver paint which will get wet sanded tomorrow.

Silver isn't the color the board will be, but it needs to be the base color for the effect I'm going for.  More later..

I figured out why my welds sucked.  My battery was basically dead.  When I went to charge it the other day, it didn't.  I could not be bothered to find my actual battery charger as I had a 14v wall wart handy.  When I charged it up today, it took most of the day to do it.  I went over the sucky ones again and we are good to go.  Kinked the connecting straps...

Then I folded it flat into it's final form, ready to go in the board.
