
Input/Output: The BIAS System

A project log for The Spikeputor

I am building a computer featuring a 16-bit RISC CPU made of discrete transistors for learning, fun and art. It will be pretty large.

spudfishscottspudfishScott 07/09/2020 at 14:040 Comments

Now that the CPU is complete, it was time to design methods for the Spikeputor to communicate with the outside world. First up, taking advantage of the DMA interface described in the Memory log entry and using it to upload programs to the Spikeputor and to establish two-way communication protocols. As mentioned in the project description, an old Apple ][ Plus was chosen as the primary I/O device for extra retroputing flair. To implement this functionality, two PCBs were designed and fabricated. First, a generic SPI Controller card was made to plug into an Apple ][ peripheral slot. That project is described here: SPI Controller Card for the Apple ][.

To convert raw SPI commands to operations that can halt, reset or interrupt the Spikeputor, transfer data to and from the Spikeputor, and poll important Spikeputor signals (CLK and ISEL), an SPI peripheral board was designed. The board has five connectors. One connector goes to an SPI Controller card with the standard SPI signals (~CS, SCK, COPI, CIPO). The other four connect to 1. the Spikeputor control signals (comprised of four outputs: ~IOFLAG, IO_WE, RESET, and IRQ, and two inputs: CLK and ISEL), 2. the Spikeputor address bus, 3. the Spikeputor data out bus, and 4. the Spikeputor data in bus. Address and data connectors are 16 bits wide, so the Spikeputor DMA module can be controlled directly by this card. The card can respond to one-byte commands or three-byte commands as described below. Each command transaction starts when the SPI channel is set low and is completed when the SPI channel is set high. To allow for the slow Spikeputor address and data buses to stabilize, wait at least 40 µs after starting the SPI transaction before sending and receiving bytes, and wait at least 60 µs after the end of the SPI transaction before starting a new transaction. Bits are latched into the card's shift registers on the rising edge of the SCK pulse. Clock speed is set from the Controller card of the Apple ][ and this board works well with the on-board clock signal (2 MHz).

The board responds to eight commands. The command is in the high nybble of the first byte sent. The low nybble is ignored. Three bytes are buffered on the card, so for single byte commands, two extra bytes and be sent and received with no ill effects. Commands are executed at the end of the SPI transaction (when ~CS is asserted). The command set is as follows:

The status byte emitted during each SPI transaction can be interpreted as follows:

The Input Bytes 1 and 2 emitted during each SPI transaction always reflect the current state of the Spikeputor Memory Data Output. 

All output signals can be read at any time through the READ command, even if the Spikeputor is not halted. This might be useful to debug signals and current memory data. IRQ and RESET commands also work, but WRITE and SET ADDRESS commands will not work unless the Spikeputor has previously been halted as that is the only way to transfer control of the Address and Data buses to the BIAS card.

The full schematic and KiCAD project files are in the Files section. 

Here's a picture of the completed peripheral board:

Once the BIAS hardware was complete, a program was written on the Apple ][ to upload machine code to the Spikeputor and execute it. A shared input and output buffer mechanism was implemented in software using Spikeputor memory that can be monitored by the Apple using the BIAS hardware. By using this shared buffer system, the Apple ][ can be used as a simple teletype. By defining some control character sequences to send graphics commands, the Spikeputor can ask the Apple to display text or hi-res or lo-res graphics lines and points. This video shows a demonstration of basic input and output text by displaying prompt strings, accepting input, and reacting to that input with more text and graphics. Although the Apple is handling all Input/Output, the Spikeputor is completely running the show. On the Spikeputor side, this involved writing a suite of low level commands to do multiplication and division, random number generation, string handling, and sending and receiving text output and input through the shared buffers. These routines will eventually be incorporated into the Spikeputor ROM.
