
Adding New Calibration Procedure and Off Switch 01.03.2019

A project log for "Straddle Crane" Self-Balancing Robot

I am aiming to create a new self-balancing robot that can drive around an object, pick it up, carry it and offload it.

ben-petersBen Peters 03/02/2019 at 11:410 Comments

Following the resolution of the rotating issue, I set about making some changes to the robot:

After making these changes I conducted more testing with a friend and saw the following results:


In conclusion, the robot still seemed to exhibit behaviour that was not solvable by simple PID tuning. Specifically the drifting and sudden falling in some cases give the impression there are some electronic issues. The drivers getting very hot seems to be a big problem. The next test that will be done is to try using some NEMA 17 stepper motors with a lesser current rating in an attempt to reduce the load on the drivers.


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