
Initial Notes

A project log for Mac mini 2018 Hexa Core Cooling Analysis

Analyzing the stock cooling in a 2018 Mac mini

michael-obrienMichael O'Brien 12/18/2018 at 17:050 Comments

The Mac mini (Late 2018) come with one of 3 processors: i3-8100B, i5-8500B, or i7-8700B. All 3 CPUs have a TDP of 65W. The base model quad core will thermal throttle under stock conditions as many, like Snazzy Labs (whole video), have shown (thermal throttling). However, the little quad core's thermal performance can be fixed, as he also also showed. But will that work for the most powerful configuration? I haven't been able to find reviews of the high(er) end models so I'm looking at the problem myself.

What will be attempted?

  1. Polishing/hand lapping the heatsink for better contact
  2. Measuring the contact pressure of the heatsink mounting, which should not be higher than the max range of 15-25 lbf, or ~65-108 psi
  3. Measuring the load of the mounting springs
  4. Shimming the springs and/or the mounting screws to increase the die mounting compressive load to ~25 lbf or just a smidge under, if possible
  5. Measuring the die height of the i7-8700B - it will be the same as the non-B part, but it is on a different PCB
  6. Incorporating a custom, reversible material addition to the underside of the heat sink to form a custom heat spreader, and, hopefully, increase the thermal resistance of the cooling solution
