16bit Lion Specifications
CPU : Lion 16bit @50Mhz
Memory: 8K rom + 56K ram + 32K video ram + 12K sprites ram + 64K paged ram + 4K vector ram
support for up to 512K total ram in 64K pages
Video Mode 0 (text optimized): 640x240 pixels, 30x80 chars, 16 colors (2 per char)
Video Mode 1 (graphics optimized): 320x200 pixels, 25x53 chars, 16 colors
Sprites: 45 hardware sprites, 15 colors + transparency, 16x16 pixels, double buffered.
Sound: 3 channels + 1 noise channel, 8 bit digital volume control
Vector Graphics: hardware line drawing in 10bit resolution, 12bit DAC, 4K vector ram.
32bit Lion Specifications
CPU : Lion 32bit @50Mhz
Memory: 16K rom + 1MB ram + 64K video ram + 16K sprites ram + 16K vector ram
support for MB's of ram
Video Mode 0 (text optimized): 640x240 pixels, 30x80 chars, 16 colors (2 per char)
Video Mode 1 (graphics optimized): 320x200 pixels, 25x53 chars, 256 colors
Sprites: 56 hardware sprites, 15 of 64 colors + transparency, 16x16 pixels, double buffered.
Sound: 3 channels + 1 noise channel, 8 bit digital volume control
2 channels of 8bit PCM audio with 16K buffer
Vector Graphics: hardware line drawing in 10bit resolution, 12bit DAC, 16K vector ram.
Common features
Storage: basic FAT support in SD card 30Mbytes
Ports: 2x joystick, 2x Serial, 1x VGA, 1x PS/2 keyboard, 1x audio
Software: Assembler, Palo Alto Tiny Basic (with fixed point arithmetic),
Java Grinder compiler (with floating point support), Small-C compiler,
lcc c compiler, Astro java game, Galaxians, pacman clone games.
And a Lion Windows emulator for the 16bit Lion written by Manos in C# see github project link.
Source code available at github (CPU+system VHDL/schematic, assembler, Rom+TBasic assembly)
Hardware design and software released under the Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA
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