I haven't had much time to work on this for a while. This is from a while back over christmas
The body of the device is held together with tri-bit security screws, and at my local hackerspace, the screw bits I had access to weren't long enough to fit in the hole, so I ground down the bit on an angle grinder 'till it fit. For those who worry about tool abuse, don't despair. There were at least five other bits of the same size around.
I connected an oscilliscope to the aforementioned DAC pins on the main IC, and made a fool of myself for zooming too far in.

Here's the oscilliscope working correctly.
Also, for those worried about my safety, I found the projector works fine with the laser disconnected.
Later today I'll connect an arduino to the signal pins and drive the laser with a pair of sin waves.
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hey man! sorry im here like a year late but i'm trying to pretty much do the exact thing you did and im super new to robotics and hacking so im not really sure how to use my arduino to drive the galvos. if you would could you do one more update on how it went when you drove the laser and how you did it? or if you don't want to make an entire update id be super honored if you could e-mail me @superdupersammy6149@gmail.com. thanks so much for being like exactly what i was looking for!
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