Hackaday.io started out as an effort to build a unique island on the Web for the creative generation of technology explorers. Its primary mission - fulfill the promise of Open Hardware. A place to show off work, get feedback, find collaborators and ultimately create projects that impact the lives of others in a meaningful way. A place to hang out with like-minded people. A "mindful entertainment" alternative to everything else that's going on. Something that exists against all the odds, on a mission to make a difference.
This also means we have to keep this place evolving, growing, making it better. While we will always want the knowledge bar to be quite high (after all Hackaday is a "grad school" kind of place), we do want to make it more inviting, because it takes a lot of different people to build something truly great.
The purpose of this project is keeping a running list of our core initiatives so that everyone can be up to date on how we're thinking about the future, and hopefully a place to offer constructive feedback and help. We used to do this annually via a Hackaday article (and we'll still keep doing it), but this project should give an insight into that process in a way that's a bit more real-time.
P.S. This project is only for "big picture" items. For everything else - Feedback project is still the place to go.
UPDATE: We're working on a new "default" avatar for profiles. It will be algorithm-generated. Have ideas? Join in! https://hackaday.io/project/16295-hackadayio-generative-default-avatar