“I SEARCHED Amazon for a DC POWER generator. NADA. SCRATCH. THE WORKING prototype is a bonifide HACK. MY SECOND use, I over-tightened the belt & damaged the motor. I BOUGHT it a week ago & have the receipt. ITS BEST started & working at low rpm. STARTING IS better mid-afternoon or if charge is above ~26 volts. ITS POSSIBLE a LOVEJOY direct 1:1 coupling will improve reliability.
PROTOTYPE ALREADY functions as needed to augment cloudy-day input, increasing hourly input by as much as 500%.
I FOUND a source for reasonably-priced, mounting plates. SELLER TARGETS RV-camping, combining with solar & batteries for inverter power.
RESISTANCE OF 160’ AWG 6 to batteries is .064 ohms. PROTOTYPE USES Honda GC-160 motor & an automotive grade, non PMA, regulated 24-volt alternator. PEAK CHARGED voltage after several hours augmentation was 27.5 volts, regulated output seems to be at 28-volts, I GUESS it could be 28.4 maximum.