
The rise of EGPUs

A project log for Auto tracking camera

A camera that tracks a person & counts reps using *AI*.

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 08/09/2022 at 18:370 Comments

Nowadays, external GPUs are another option gaining prominence over jetson nanos.  Unlike PCIE over an M2 connector, EGPUs encapsulate PCIE in a thunderbolt or USB variant which is fast enough to do the job.  Not sure what happens when the connection glitches.  

The GPD Win Max 2 is a $900 laptop with EGPU support.  It's hard to beat the good old jetson even at $300.  It's a lot of money & space for just a tracking camera, but maybe not if inflation continues at 10% for another 30 years.

This $700 package would be the standard way of building an embedded neural network, nowadays.  It doesn't show the power supply.

It's amazing how much the cost of computing rose in the last 5 years.  The skydio represented a time when low cost neural networks were going to become ubiquitous, using only a $50 confuser back in 2018.  It was a different age.  

  What's needed is a bigger application besides rep counting & tracking to justify the higher cost.


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