
Simple image logging using

A project log for Low cost / low power sleep / WiFi Camera

Using e.g. ESP32 and cheap camera to make a remote monitoring device that can watch things e.g. meters, gages, etc...

martin-fasaniMartin Fasani 01/19/2019 at 06:530 Comments

I was thinking that it could be useful for someone that just needs to read a water metric or anything from a remote place in a different network, it could be useful to try the example.

The only disadvantage is that is in Chinese and online translators don't seem to work well to translate private admin dashboards (Or at least not Google and Bing that I tried)

So to simplify it in a few steps you need to : 

  1. Register in bigiot :
  2. Create a device and an interface
  3. Use the Apikey, Device ID and interface ID in the demo example here:

I modified the original code to add WiFi Manager and to publish some information in the oled display.

Then you can make a camera that uploads an image every X seconds without needing to code or prepare any backend for this, you can see a preview here:

So after that and uploading the code with the right credentials you can log in to BIGIOT and just click on the Camera device eye, to see the latest picture, or also see a log of the sent uploads.

If you select the interface to be public, then the URL is public as well: -> No matter what settings I've tried, it keeps always the last 9 images.

I though it was an interesting thing to share. If it does not have much to do with the project feel free to move this away @James Newton 
