Soil Moisture Sensor(s):
- Currently researching available options. Corrosion resistance seems to be pretty important as several soil moisture probes available seem to oxidize too quickly to be usable long term. Suggested course of action involve's performing DIY unit testing with an Arduino microcontroller and various soil mock-ups. Will follow up with a post about this specifically once various soil moisture experiments can be conducted.
Native Clients for WIndows/Mac OS X/Linux:
- Currently working on Linux-based approach using Mosquitto and Raspbian. Setup as-is currently dumping MQTT sensor data to multiple text files. Suggested course of action involves developing a web server to aggregate MQTT sensor data, and to integrate MQTT OTA update functionality.
- Currently thinking out multi-client support at the moment. A home PC connected to a Wireless Local Area Network (also connected to the AGI-ESP8266) would be the perfect local storage point for sensor data and aggregate analysis from multiple plant sensors. Configuration would need to take place with the software as well. I like the approach that the Homie-esp8266 project took and has the esp8266 enter a default AP station state which requires connecting to it via wifi for configuration.
Android Client:
- The Paho Android client library is an MQTT library for developing IoT applications on Android. I'm currently getting famiiar with the codebase, but I suspect that if I pursue the Homie route; I will likely add support for it. However, if I do not, the current AGI-ESP8266 software will likely have a large update aimed at integrating similar features as the Homie-esp8266 project. Namely the ability to push microcontroller software updates Over The Air using MQTT and to re-configure wireless settings easily using the Android client itself.
IOS Client:
- If this happens at all, it will likely be when everything else is complete. Pending review of Apple-centric development/library
Cloud MQTT Functionality:
- Currently looking at integrating AGI-ESP8266 with Amazon's AWS IoT platform. Exploring other service options as well.
PCB Design:
- Waiting out on final design requirements for soil moisture sensor and evaluation of other possible candidate sensors. End goal is cheapest per unit cost while maintaining reasonable accuracy. Alternatives to the DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor capable of similar accuracy being researched. The BME280 (Temp/humidity/pressure) and the SI7021 (Temp/humidity) are possible options, alongside specific application sensors such as the DS18B20 (Temperature).
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