I still had a Toshiba Camilio H10 laying around that had a few issues like quick battery depletion and pixelation when getting to hot.I love watching Ghost adventures and was fascinated by the Nightvision camera's. I found out that I could create one myself by removing the infrared filter glass in front of the sensor. but this has not been done with my type of camera. so I made this my mission.There is one video on youtube explaining howto dissasemble a H20 (see link below). i figured the bodies should be much the same. the video stops at the motherboard and does not explain how to get to the sensor. so I have gone a bit further. I am not good in video explaining so I will try to explain as much with pictures. As of yet the camera and infrared spotlight assembly is finished and I only need to create a dc converter to use a 5v powerbank to power the 12v infrared spotlights.
The project still needs a DC converter from 5v to 12v to power the infrared spotlights from a simple powerbank.
Neat! Let us know if you capture any ghosts...