
Dad's Homemade Assortment of Electronic Components

A project log for Light Sensitive Kinetic Sculpture Tribute To Dad

A kinetic sculpture that reacts to light and shadow, constructed mostly from components my late father had recycled from other electronics

bornachbornach 01/06/2019 at 16:530 Comments

When my Dad passed away over 4 years ago, I started to go through all his old junk.  He didn't like throwing away broken electronic appliances and if he couldn't fix them, he would try to salvage as much as possible from the internals. So he had accumulated quite a collection of electronic components as well as a hoard of DC motors removed from tape players, VCRs, and the like.

These days you can easily buy assortments of similar discrete components on the Internet for a few dollars. However knowing how much effort Dad had put into painstakingly desoldering this home-made assortment, I couldn't just throw it away. I now use these is prototyping experimental circuits. I've even tried my hand at a simple circuit sculpture although this was ultimately a failure, it does work as an illuminated colour cycling ornament.

As there were still quite a few components left, I decided to try my hand at another messy circuit sculpture.


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