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The wireless quadruped made from $10 in parts and materials.

shanesnipeshane.snipe 01/13/2019 at 12:160 Comments

I have moved from Solidworks to Onshape and now to Fusion 360.  I am struggling greatly with the pin and slot joint in Fusion even though I got it to work in Onshape and Solidworks.  It works sometimes with contact surfaces but then it breaks. In any case, here are updates need to do for version 15. 

1) I added 2 10440 Li ion batteries. One on each end. Some fastening method for the battery holder needs to be developed.

2) I am not happy with the Chicago screws that hold on the gears and I want to design a 3D printed alternative. It will take $0.75 out and make the walking smoother if I do it right. I am thinking about a type of friction weld to hold the 3D printed rivets in place for the gear axles.

3) Solidworks has the concept of parts and I could change the parts and the separate assembly that is all ready for laser cutting changed as well. Fusion is not set up like this. I read that people make a separate components for laser cutting using the same sketches. That way they update automatically. This makes sense and I want to try it.

4) I need to hold the board in place better. Now that I have the 7805 dropping below the board  have something to hold on to so I may be able to hold it in place so the encoders actually work.


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