I wanted to get a text when someone comes to my front door. I know you can buy a commercial camera that does this, but I wanted more control over the images. My garage has a window that faces the front door of my house, so I didn't have to build a weatherproof enclosure.
The system has a smart cam that detects people and notifies the Raspberry Pi when one is the the frame. A python program on the Raspberry Pi writes the Jpeg to a file and uploads it to Google Drive. The program then uses Twilio to send a text with a link to the photo to my cell phone.
I am using a Jevois smart camera and a Raspberry Pi. The Jevois camera is an open source smart cam that runs Linux and has a number of built in modules and costs about $50. I've previously tried to do image recognition using just a webcam on a Raspberry Pi, but the performance wasn't good.
The Jevois comes in a small 3D printed case with a mini-USB connector on the back. I used a piece of scrap MDF to make a base. I initially wanted to use the Jevois on a tripod so I cut a hole and glued a 1/4-20 nut in the MDF. I screwed the Jevois to the MDF with the suggested screws. The holes in the case aren't tapped so it's a little tricky.
To make a stable base, I took the small cardboard box that the Jevois was shipped in, cut a small hole in the top and glued a 1/4-20 bolt in the top. When the glue was dry, I filled the box with sand and screwed the Jevois on to the box.
For the computer, I used a Raspberry Pi 3B that I had from a previous project and I connected the Jevois via USB. One thing to note, The Raspberry Pi doesn't provide enough power to reliably power the Jevois via the USB port. Jevois sells a pigtail USB that has two standard USB connections - one for data, and one for power - connected to a mini-USB. I used one of these with the data connection going to the PI and the power going to a USB power adapter/wall charger.
The Jevois cam has YOLO as one of the bundled machine vision modules. I've had success with it previously, so I just used the stock version.
On the Raspberry Pi, the following code controls the camera, saves the image when a person is detected, copies it to Google Drive and texts me.
TWauth_token = 'lotsarandomchars'
import os,sys
import time
import shutil
import cv2
import numpy
import serial
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from twilio.rest import Client
import uploader
def SendParm(cmd):
ser.write (cmd)
line = ser.readline()
if Headless:
print (cmd.decode('utf8'))
print (line.decode('utf8'))
#main -------
#default to not headless when debugging in Idle
if 'idlelib.run' in sys.modules:
thresh=50 # default detection threshold
if len(sys.argv)>1:
if sys.argv[1]=='-show':
elif 'thresh' in sys.argv[1]:
if len(sys.argv)>2:
if 'thresh' in sys.argv[2]:
if os.name == 'nt':
folder = 'C:\\users\\peter/jevois_capture'
logfile = 'c:\\users\\peter/jevois.log'
cfg_path = 'c:/Users/peter/frontdoorcam/uploader.cfg'
port = 'COM7'
camno = 0
else: #linux
folder = '/home/pi/jevois_capture'
logfile = '/home/pi/jevois.log'
cfg_path = '/home/pi/frontdoorcam/uploader.cfg'
port = '/dev/ttyACM0'
camno = 0
logging.info('------- Jevois Cam Startup --------')
ser = serial.Serial(port,115200,timeout=0.01)
# No windows in headless
if not Headless:
cv2.namedWindow("jevois", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(camno)
#initialize the jevois cam. See below - don't change these as it will change the Jevois engine from YOLO to something else
camera.set(3,1280) #width
camera.set(4,480) #height
camera.set(5,15) #fps
s,img = camera.read()
#wait for Yolo to load on camera.
#setmapping2 YUYV 640 480 15.0 JeVois DarknetYOLO
#setmapping 15
#### this setmappings stuff is not useful here. It uses the values
#### in the camera x y and FPS to look up the mode in the list.
#### Left in the script as it's useful place to copy from when debugging
# YOLO variables are documented here: http://jevois.org/moddoc/DarknetYOLO/modinfo.html
#SendParm (b'setpar serlog USB\n') #too many debug msgs. Only use if you have trouble
# To use your own network and weights, put these parmeters in
# JEVOIS:/modules/JeVois/DarknetYOLO/params.cfg
SendParm (b'setpar serstyle Normal\n') #use Normal format to include types and coordinates
SendParm (b'setpar serout All\n') # output everything on serial
tps = 'setpar thresh '+str(thresh)+'\n'
thresh_param = tps.encode('utf-8')
SendParm (thresh_param) # set the threshold for detection %
#set up Twilio for sending text messages
client = Client(TWaccount_sid, TWauth_token)
text_time = time.time() #initialize the time of last text to now
n_img = 6 #save this many images per capture - useful if the cam is slow to detect
img = numpy.empty(n_img, dtype=object)
while True:
if not Headless:
cv2.imshow("jevois", img[0] )
line = ser.readline()
if not Headless:
print (line.decode('utf8'))
#example output when capturing a selection //changed with Yolov3 update
# b'N2 person:51.5 -1394 -697 841 1519
# N2 id:confidence x y w h
# http://jevois.org/qa/index.php?qa=2079&qa_1=yolo-coordinate-output-to-serial-what-data-is-output
# coord system is -1000 to 1000 with 0,0 in the cam center. http://jevois.org/doc/group__coordhelpers.html
# x,y appears to be the upper left of the box
if len(line)>0:
if "DKY" in str(line):
pass #do nothing
elif "OK" in str(line):
pass #do nothing
line_split = line.split(b" ")
if len(line_split)>5:
line_split[1] = line_split[1].decode('utf8') #line_split[1] is the class of object found and confidence%
id_conf = line_split[1].split(":") #split again on : to separate the class and confidence
class_id = id_conf[0]
conf = id_conf[1]
folder1 = folder + "/" + class_id + "/"
#todo test if conf is greater than thresh. Should always be the case
if Headless:
logging.info(class_id+" found:"+conf)
print (class_id+" found:"+conf)
if class_id != "person" and class_id != "cat":
#can't handle all the other classes yet
folder1 = folder + "/other/"
imagefile = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss%f') + '.jpg'
if Headless:
logging.info("writing image: "+imagefile)
print("writing image: "+imagefile)
#crop_img = img[0:480, 0:640] # crop to single image.
for i in range(0,n_img): #there might be a delay, capture many images
s,img[i] = camera.read()
img0 = img[5]
crop_img = img0[0:480, 640:1280] # use if you want the Yolo results
# for i in range(0,n_img-1):
# cv2.imwrite(folder1+str(i)+'_'+imagefile,img[i])
#Upload image to Google Drive
#Call Blythe's code to do this
#'Thanks to:'
#'Motion Uploader - uploads videos and snapshots to Google Drive\n'
#' by Jeremy Blythe (http://jeremyblythe.blogspot.com)
img_path = folder1+imagefile #actual filename to copy
option = 'video' #using video even though it's not a video
if not os.path.exists(cfg_path):
exit('Config file does not exist [%s]' % cfg_path)
if not os.path.exists(img_path):
exit('Source file does not exist [%s]' % vid_path)
med_URL = uploader.MotionUploader(cfg_path).upload_video(img_path)
except Exception as e:
exit('Error: [%s]' % e)
#erase the file locally
if (time.time() - text_time)> 300: #don't send texts more than one every 5 minutes
text_time = time.time() #reset last text time to now
text_body = class_id + " is at the front door. "+ med_URL+ " Conf: " + conf
#can't get actual filename for jpg to pass via media_URL, so including it as a link
message = client.messages.create(body=text_body,
print (message.sid)
I'm using modified version of Jeremy Blythe's Motion Uploader code to copy the file to Google Drive. See his blog here for full instructions. You can find my mods in Github here.
You'll need an account on Twilio or one of the competitors. The Twilio account I'm using is a free trial at least for now. It was very simple to set up and the API is extremely well documented on their site.
You'll need to install the prerequisites: http2lib, google-api-python-client, oath2client, and twilio. I used pip.
Pip3 install httplib2
sudo pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client
pip3 install --upgrade oauth2client
pip3 install twilio
Don't forget to make the python executable with Chmod +x.
That's it!
Oh, and I forgot. It's using OpenCV also. You'll need that. On my 3B+, I compiled it with no problems. With a Zero, it was kind of troublesome. I had to go to an old version because the Zero is missing some of the processor features needed for the latest. https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/12/14/installing-opencv-on-your-raspberry-pi-zero/
Note: On a Raspberry Pi Zero, the serial port is /serial0
Using the code above will fail with a serial write 5 error.