
Quite a lot of Software Updates

A project log for Portable NAS Storage System with USB Drives

ArOZ Online >> A portable cloud storage and multimedia streaming station using Raspberry Pi zero w

tobychuitobychui 01/26/2019 at 05:450 Comments

There are quite some updates for squeezing all the processing power from a pi zero w. Although I think these might be useful in the future, the co-developers of this project (software developer) just don't let me skip the idea of "allowing Youtube download and on site conversion" in ArOZ Online System.

As a result, a new Youtube downloader is released under the latest ArOZ Online Beta (AOB)

and onsite conversion with FFmpeg Factory (Basically a wrapper for FFmpeg under Linux / Windows Host environment)

Another pending update will allow more float Windows on the same desktop interface. The previous version of AOB support a maximum number of 11 FloatWindows (fws). In the latest version, that number will be increased to 50. Good news for those who love to work on multiple windows :)

One more notes here.
I have moved this Project from "Hardware" to "Software" as in the current state, I will be working on Software a bit more compare to Hardware. I will switch the project type back to Hardware if the development phase changed.
