
YamPAD project log 10

A project log for YamPAD - Feature-packed open source macropad

A fully open-source, mechanical, hot-swappable, RGB backlit, QMK powered, OLED screen featuring numpad/macropad.

mattia-dal-benMattia Dal Ben 06/02/2019 at 19:020 Comments

First prototype completed!

Finally I had enough time to assemble the first prototype...
Here are the completed and painted pieces. I added the window in the bottom since I had the acrylic piece left over from the middle layer cut. I thought that it could be a nice addition to the final desing.

And now some glamour shots.

And with keycaps on...

I think I'll design a new version of the case since I'm not entirely happy with how it turned out:

- I forgot to add a hole to access the reset switch of the Arduino Pro Micro (it can be triggered via software though)

- I don't like the finish of the paint

- There's no solid mechanical connection between the PCB and the case

- The assembly screws are not well hidden (I mean, they are not hidden at all...)

- It was hard to mount the switches inside the case because I didn't take into account the paint

All in all it looks nice but I want to make it look better. It will be an excuse to keep improving my CNC skills :D


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