In November and December 2017, I ran an online robot named "Twitchy". He was live-streamed on the live streaming service. He's controlled by text commands in chat, and would be left on my hobby table with toys like Lego, Blocks, and paints. He was a lot of fun.
I would love to bring him back, but in doing so I believe he needs to have purpose beyond just being an arm on a table. He needs to be able to do something. Something that brings lasting fun, something that makes it easy to let him just play 24/7. To start I'm making an interactive environment, something fun to play in and allows for players to explore and do something with the arm.
In my toolbox I have a Linux computer with a decent graphics card, Unity 3D, Arduino, and a 3D printer. At the time of creating the project on this site. I have 3D printed my first few parts, and have defined the environment size and space and written some code in Unity3D.