I was wondering what the first video game controller was like and how it played compared to modern day controllers. Some research led me to the 1972 Magnavox Odyssey controller, but used systems sell for hundreds of dollars on Ebay.
I decided to design my own low-cost approximation of the controller and used an Arduino Pong DIY to make it functional.
**Please note that the best way to show your appreciation and keep me designing stuff is to head over to my YouTube channel and subscribe** https://www.youtube.com/potentprintables
It does require some additional items beyond 3D printed parts to function (potentiometer, Arduino Uno, etc.).
Hey Ali, that's just riveting gameplay! I can remember when our friends got one of these consoles. It seemed so advanced at the time.
FYI, the YouTube link in the description is busted - extra characters after the slug.