
Seems to work..

A project log for Minimalist Li-Ion Discharger/Capacity meter.

What you need to grade your scavenged cells for building balanced packs.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 01/29/2019 at 13:190 Comments

I've now discharged 32 cells!

3 were 'bad' with a capacity below 200mAh.

Some were in the 1500mAh range.

The majority came in between 1800mAh to 2300mAh.

Some were from before I calibrated properly and were cycled again.  They all went up in capacity a similar amount.

I've also tested several post-calibration cells twice to check consistency.  They all went up in capacity between 80-150mAh on the second charge/discharge cycle.  I'm assuming this was the result of bringing them back from ~2.8v and that they are regaining some capacity by being cycled.

<EDIT>  I cycled two of these consistency check cells one more time.  

The first one reported 3mAh higher capacity.  The second one reported 42mAh higher.

That is way more consistent than I expected.  I'll take it.


I've also moved the same cell between discharge slots and so far the numbers look good.
