
Research Project Approved - Jay!

A project log for Unfolding Space

Spatio-Visual to Haptic Sensory Substitution Device for Blind People

jakob-kilianJakob Kilian 03/19/2021 at 10:322 Comments

Hey folks! 

Sorry for letting pass so much time since the last update. But now there is even more exciting news to report:
I am very happy that now after some failed attempts at other institutes I am able to write my master thesis at the ZEISS Vision Science Lab (Ophthalmic Research Institute at the University Hospital Tübingen, Germany), from whom I also get a budget to conduct a small empirical study with 10-20 participants. Furthermore, as coincidence would have it, I was able to successfully apply for a grant to build the prototype tested in this study: The Kickstart @ TH Köln project (financed by federal funds) provides me with a budget to realize a revised version of the device. This way I can finally start to work through the list of shortcomings and get professional help for the trickier problems. 
And no worries: the project stays open!

The last few months, during which I have not posted any updates, I have spent little time on the device itself and a lot on defining the study design (and learning the necessary statistical basics for it), writing proposals, and soliciting formal bids for procurements. This has been exhausting at times, which makes it all the more exciting that everything is now in place and I can begin the actual work.

So far for today. I will keep you posted when there is more to report!


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jessjones wrote 11/05/2021 at 08:03 point

My congradulations for the apporoval of your research project. I got my tasks approved only if they are completed by experts from who know how to meet all the requirements.

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rraetz wrote 03/19/2021 at 14:55 point

Nice, congrats!

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