
Event chaining.

A project log for Christine's Blooming Rose

3D printed, heat formed, servo actuated blooming, Dotstar module lit, rose.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 02/14/2019 at 07:090 Comments

It was getting cold here.  I fired up the space heater.

That blew the breaker, as I had let the printer cool down too much, from wanting to write the last log entry.  That is my fault.

The excessive draw was caused by my desire to have a fast heating bed, which is hand wound, runs on 110V, and is of significant wattage.  That is my fault.

The printer lost calibration as I had not shut down since the last calibration.  The calibration settings are only currently saved on shutdown, and I wrote that.  That is my fault.

That caused my last 0.4mm nozzle to crash into the bed.  That flattened the end.  Not having a spare or a drill to fix it, is my fault.

That caused my filament to strip, AND push the PTFE out of my mount.  My PTFE doesn't use fittings to save the weight and so is just threaded in.  That is my fault.

Everything above is sorted and I'm ready to go again.

Now, I forgot some stuff at the store, and have to go get it.  That is my fault.  :)

Looks like I'm the center of the universe here..  Back in an hour...
