

A project log for Christine's Blooming Rose

3D printed, heat formed, servo actuated blooming, Dotstar module lit, rose.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 02/13/2019 at 07:200 Comments

Printer won't boot.  I didn't exactly shut it down correctly last time...  

Removed SD card and fsck'd it.  Put it back, but still won't boot.

Now I get to pull it apart and hook a serial monitor to it just to see what is going on.  The printer cape prevents access to the serial lines.

If I even enabled serial..

Working on it.


Yes, I enabled serial.  

Yes, I corrupted my boot drive from not shutting down properly.  

No, it is not recoverable.  fsck's fine, but the SD card itself gives block read errors on boot.


I suppose I can't complain, as I've been shutting it down improperly for *years* at this point.

Rebuilding my printer OS from a freshly updated image, on a fresh SD card. Given I coded some stuff specifically for the old image, that could take a bit.



Nope, I probably screwed it up more here.

eMMC somehow got the bootable flag set.  So it was attempting to boot from the onboard flash instead, and given there isn't a boot disk any longer on the onboard flash, this was failing.

In the process of figuring that out, I seemingly hosed my existing image.  Ah well.  I still got the configs I need.  Just 2.5 years of distro updates to deal with now.  :)

Reset the bootable flag on the eMMC partition to no.

Moving on...

