
Soldering Station, Arduino Compatible

Soldering station using InvIoT U1 (arduino compatible) board.

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I am using the InvIoT U1 board to build a soldering station. There is a sensor with a wire connecting to the base of the soldering station with the InvIoT U1. That way I sense that the soldering iron is on the base, and if is sitting there for some time to drop the temperature.
Also if you haven’t use the soldering iron for some time (default 10min), it will shut the soldering iron down.
On the display there is a time clock. Everything is configurable through a menu.

Inviot U1 at kickstarter link

A youtube video the soldering station running, and an inside look!

Note that there is a sensor on the base. If the soldering iron is sitting on the base for same time,

it drops the temperature down. If you haven't use the soldering iron for a long time its switching off.

Everything is configurable from a menu. Not so hard to build. Two methods are included with pictures.

Arduino Code, PCB drawings, Schematic, parts photos..... All in one zip file!

Zip Archive - 25.97 MB - 10/16/2016 at 17:58


  • 1
    Step 1

    Building circuit.

    There are 2 ways to build the circuit. Using a prototype board, or printing your own PCB. I have done it both ways, and I included all the pictures in the download file.

    Method #1 Prototype Board

    Layout that I use

    Method #2 Print a PCB shield.

    PCB drawings, part values, are include in the download file.

    Closer look on SMDS

    In the future I will print the PCB with OSHPARK.COM so you can order through them a PCB

    One think to consider is that from the 5 pin plug you will see 4 wires only. The middle wire is the ground , and the 4th wire is also the ground wire for the heat sensor . Please pay attention to the pictures.

    (the photo is from the 'prototype method')

    In the download file you will find the schematic, PCB, and a lot of pictures of how to build it step by step.

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