So, things have taken off a little. I'm moving towards trying to fund a recycling workspace in the community, and have a meeting with my local council in a few days. I have made some attempts at extruding the recycled plastic, and have found that the nature of mulched plastic makes it difficult to feed into the extruder. However, the result was far from ideal. Despite basic attempts at drying in a home oven, there are clear signs of hydrolysis, and the result is very brittle. I'm currently looking into a method to imperically determine the moisture content of the plastic in order to determine what works best in regards to drying. I also have a Vacuum Pump (check the link, I managed to get one very cheap straight from the manufacturer) and a pressure cooker in order to experiment with creating a vacuum oven. The ABS filament I extruded when first testing out the Filastruder is consistent, but is unusable due to contamination with metal residue from the machining process of the extruder. It'll take me a while before that barrel is clean enough to extrude usable plastic with.

Test PETE extrusion
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