The finished PCBs have arrived from JLCPCB who did a good job of the board, cheaply and promptly.

Here is a list of total fuck-ups on the rev1 board:
- I did not update footprints after adapting the BOM, meaning some caps were waaay too big for their associated footprint. I still soldered them on though!
- The center hole of the trim pot (RV2) should have been drilled but I didn't realise... The fourth pin on the opposite side is only for support so I can still solder the three functional pins but it is not flush.
- The BJT pins are a bit close to each other, and could do with being moved further apart.
- There is a typical guitar pedal layout where the power source is only connected if there is an input jack plugged in. I left this out entirely but would be great to have in rev2.
- If I make the switch holes bigger I could fit much cheaper 3PDT switches instead of the one I ordered off RS which cost over £4!
- I should add another footprint for a power supply filter resistor as I hijacked R1 for a reverse polarity protection diode.
Everything fit on the board, but you can definitely tell where there is 1210 on a 0603 pad.

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