
News From the Front...

A project log for The Emergence Project

An experiment in group machine intellegence (Or lack thereof...)

greg-daneauGreg Daneau 08/11/2014 at 01:300 Comments

It wasn't our intention to update our project logs every Sunday, but it sure has worked out that way, hasn't it? Here's this week's news...

We didn't get as much work done on the actual 'bots as we would have liked to. But, requirements are requirements, and Greg had to take a couple evenings to work on the required 2 minute video. Watching him try to puzzle out video editing software was entertainment in and of itself.

However, progress was made. We were able to ascertain that the light sensors do work, and seem to be able to work together. Greg and Justin spent an evening hacking apart and recompiling code that is normally used for line following robots, and adapting it to our purposes. There seems to be more than a few bugs to work out, but when let loose on the floor Johnny will turn towards a flashlight shined in his direction.

As for Frankie's teardown and reassembly, it seems to be progressing well, but it has forced our hand a bit. After soldering and squinting at a piece of perfboard for a few hours, Greg finally came up for air and declared, "If you think I'm doing this $#!& another dozen times, you're %@&>!<# insane..." So, it looks like we're going to be moving to a printed circuit board in the very near future, if only to make all the connections easier. Once we make Frankie jump through a few hoops to make sure the new board works the way it should, we'll likely start laying it out in EagleCAD and decide if we should use one of our CNC routers to cut new boards, of just have them farmed out to be printed.

In any event, bumping into new problems at least means that you're moving forward, right?
