
Problem Solved

A project log for Novasaur CP/M TTL Retrocomputer

Retrocomputer built from TTL logic running CP/M with no CPU or ALU

alastair-hewittAlastair Hewitt 03/19/2022 at 02:210 Comments

After many weeks of detailed investigation... the "bug" with the ED command has been resolved!

I know there are not many fans of ED, but it appears to be so unloved that no one has noticed that a copy shipped with certain CP/M 2.2 distros is actually corrupted. Perhaps this is what you get for trusting garbage scraped off a 40-year old 8" floppy that was uploaded to the Internet. Arrrggg!!

There are still issues with Altair BASIC... but this was OCRed from a listing of dubious origin found at the back of an old manual. I'm willing to guess my 8080 virtual machine is not the culprit for this buggy mess either.

To be continued....
