Testing moved to the serial interfaces last month with the development of a simple terminal program. This will display text typed on the keyboard and echo it over the RS232 interface. The serial interface is full-duplex, so data sent back over the RS232 interface is displayed on the screen.

The first step was to get to a TV Typewriter. The PS/2 interface clock and data bits are sampled during the horizontal sync period. This then drives a state machine that deserializes the data to recover the scan code. Each scan code is added to a buffer and then decoded via another state machine to track things like shift/control key state. Special combinations of ctrl-alt are mapped to system calls with ctrl-alt-del calling the system restart.
The keyboard buffer is sampled by the serial terminal code and any new characters are displayed on the screen and echoed over RS232 at ~9600 baud. There are no plans to develop this terminal code beyond a testing tool, so the terminal only handles lower/upper case characters, carriage return/line feed, and backspace.
The transmit code is working fine, but there was a major design flaw in the receive code. I identified and solved part of the problem with the asynchronous clock recovery but missed the bigger picture with the clock slipping over process cycles. This results in an extra bit arriving in some cycles, or conversely no bits arriving. The Novasaur samples the RS232 data at 9593 baud and will typically miss 7 bits per second if the data is transmitted at exactly 9600 baud. Missing a single bit pushes the stop/start bits out of alignment and the data turns to garbage.
So it's back the drawing board. I have a new algorithm that looks promising, but it is significantly more complex. There are a lot of corner cases that need to be addressed and it will likely take the rest of this month to get to working code.
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