The first batch of Rev A boards have arrived. This may sounds like the first revision, but the revisions are being counted in hex, so "A" is actually the 10th! It's almost identical to Rev 9. except for a larger regulator and some ESD protection on the VGA circuit. These were the final updates before the board was ready for public release in a kit.

A prototype of the new board was tested this weekend and passed all the stress tests. There are parts on hand to build two more kits, but like many projects there are growing issues with sourcing more components.
One example is the ROM. The only available part that meets the timing specifications is the AT27C020-55PU. These have more than doubled in price since the start of the project and are now out of stock with a 65 week lead time. Luckily is appears the NOR flash used during development works fine at 55ns even though it is rated at 70ns. The plan is to use this for the kit.
Some of the other parts were at risk, so initial orders have been placed for these. The rest of the parts should be available when needed for a total production of 100 kits during 2022. The plan is to release an initial batch of 20 beta kits in Q2. These will likely be just the basic board-only kit to keep the cost down and come with limited documentation. The full kit should be available in the second half of the year with enclosure and full documentation.
Software debug is progressing well. The B: drive has been set up and the CP/M utilities are being tested. Most things are working (like STAT shown below) but ED is crashing for some reason. Software development should be wrapped up within the next few weeks for the beta kit release.

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The same old story with the supply-chain have slowed things down a bit. I have shipped a couple of boards and should start getting some kits together next month. There's still work to do in terms of setting up a website and assembly instructions. I'm looking for more beta testers if you're brave and can work with limited documentation.
I think it will be closer to September for a more substantial launch and then ramping things up towards the end of the year. There are a couple of other projects in the works, so I'll be offering a few options by then.
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Thank you for pushing this forward! Any place we can sign up for the kits in advance?
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I've made a note and will keep you posted @zpekic
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Awesome... Any updates on the Kits?
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