
Get started VOICEN OS: hey_wifi + ttyd + jupyterlab = awesome!

A project log for Smart Speaker from Scratch

Make an open source smart speaker for daily use

yihuiYihui 10/10/2019 at 11:240 Comments

Last time I showed a web app of sending data over sound to setup Wi-Fi. A further step is to integrate it with a web terminal - ttyd and JupyterLab. These web apps are included in VOICEN OS which is based on Armbian OS. Have a look at the video to find out how it works.

Steps to get started with VOICEN OS:

1. Press and hold the touch key of the device for 4+ seconds to turn the device into Wi-Fi setup mode

2. Boardcast WiFi SSID and password through sound on the hey_wifi web app

3. After the device received the SSID and  password and connected to the Wi-Fi network, it sends its IP address to the web app, and then the web app generates a link which is linked to the device dashboard.

4. Click the link with the device's IP address, we will get the dashboard of the device.

5. We can open a web terminal (ttyd) to add a new user. The default user is root. The default password is 1234.

6. We can also open JupyterLab which is a very powerful web IDE. It allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. In this document, you can run python or shell scripts to play sound, plot graph and analyze data.

That's it. Do you like it? It would be great if you kindly give me some feedback.
