
Double extruder for my Mendel

Custom built double MK8 extruder mount

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This dual extruder is also fitted with air ducts that are using the air from the hot end heat sinks. They don’t need an extra fan and this is saving some of the total mass of the extruder. Although this was initially designed for Prusa I2, it can easily be adapted to Prusa I3 also.

I am amazed to find out every day there are so many people out there who would like to start learning more about 3D printing. The best way and the cheapest way to start is to go for a Mendel or Prusa printer in my opinion. They are certainly not the best printers on the market but surely they offer the best price to quality ratio. Nowadays they don’t even sell under the name of Mendel, but instead the market is full of iterations of them like Anet or many other names. At least this is how I started back in 2015 – building myself a Prusa I2.

Since then I was able to improve my printer and to redesign many of the parts to suit my needs. And I know there are some persons out there who are taking exactly the same baby steps in achieving the necessary 3D printing skills and experience. For all of you who are interested, I want to post of my designs to Cults3D and I’m going to add links to all of them.

The file link can be found below in this article.

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