
Anti GoPro Lost feature with ESP32 and BLE

Hooking onto GoPro's undocumented BLE client mode to notify the ESP32 if the camera is out of range, as soon as it turns on.

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Thinking about it, i haven’t had a proper vacation in a while, now that I live in Barcelona, with several ski spots relatively near me, and with a 1-week holiday in April this seems to be the perfect time for me to hit the slopes. Now of course I will be bringing my HERO7 Black.
I’ve lost 3 cameras in the past, and apparently ski spots are prime location to lose your camera so my HERO7 Black is ready with my name on a sticker at the top near the lens and the trusty IF_FOUND.txt in the SD card. But I want to be extra sure I don’t lose it and that I can also see how much battery is left and plan accordingly.
After some tinkering and buying stuff on Amazon I came up with a simple solution: An ESP32 board that hooks onto the undocumented GoPro bluetooth device API and notifies me when it’s connected and when it’s not.

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