
A DIY Bluetooth Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Joystick

Tired of plays your genesis games using a wired joystick ? in this project, i'm show how i create a wireless interface to plays in my bed

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Recently i acquired this relic of old videogames for a bargain, and decided to reform all its structure to be able to revive the classics of the 80's. With that a doubt came to my mind. Is it possible to find wireless controls for the mega drive? After researching on some websites unsuccessfuly, i decided to explore a bit the way the communication interface between the Mega Drive and its "original" control is performed and I started building a wireless interface so I could play my favorite games without need to be near to TV.

Part 1:
  • 1 × STM32 Blue Pill Microcontroller
  • 1 × Arduino Nano Microcontroller
  • 2 × HC-05 Wireless Interface
  • 1 × Sega Genesis Joystick Joystick
  • 1 × Sega Genesis Console

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