
First attempt - Light Glove

A project log for Glove

A continuing effort to produce a portable and ergonomic digital modular instrument. [*Cateloging in Progress*]

ian-jamesIan James 03/08/2019 at 20:000 Comments
Using FSRs on the fingers and an Adafruit color sensor on the thumb alongside a 'color strip' to strap around the arm. Each section on the color strip acts as a fret that changes the notes produced when an FSR is pressed.

-FRSs don't work very well against human skin (imagine trying to activate a pushbutton against a soft pillow). The FSRs are analog and it's hard to get a feel for the threshold before the trigger. Furthermore, FSRs are bulky and were a nightmare to mount on the tips of fingers.

-The color sensor operates far too slow and far from precise. It's hardly ergonomic to mount on the thumb.

-In an attempt to replace the FSRs with photoresistors. While being more comfortable to wear, the analog nature of the components made them inconsistent and unintuitive to use.
