Wow, it's been a bit quiet here since August, and for that I apologise. I've been very busy with work and family commitments and haven't had much time to spend on any of my personal projects. However, as we move into 2020 I'm planning to ramp it back up!
In no particular order, this is what's on the agenda next year:
- Finally getting the r0 boards populated (more on that in an upcoming log)
- Working in some fixes and changes (many of which were suggested down in the comments, thanks @henk.gooijen and others!) for a revision 1 of the board.
- Tidying up the Zmodem firmware I've been working on and getting it committed to github (Again, there's another log in the pipeline for this!)
Generally speaking, what I'm hoping to achieve in 2020 is having a small offering of bare boards and possibly kits for this project at a very reasonable price. The kits would of course included pre-programmed PLDs and ROMs.
In the meantime, the project is now OSHWA certified (number six in the UK). Although the project has always been open-source hardware, and has the open-gear icon, that is very much self-certification - the OSHWA certification is recognition that the project fits with wider-community definitions of open hardware, and I'm looking forward to putting the mark on the revision one board!

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