
Adding a fail system to the Parrot Disco

A mod for the Parrot Disco : extending its features with the VTOL abilities activated with a 4G connection

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I see that the Parrot disco has a weakness,that's connected to the way it has been created : if it crashes,it will be not able to fly again without an human intervention. I would like to find a solution. Adding 4 propellers on top of the hull to make it fly even vertically. I imagine that it could be useful when someone like me wants to learn how to fly. A VTOL is also cool if someone does not have sufficient space for take off and for landing. And I think,also if someone is looking into a failsafe. I would add the propellers on top of the hull because if it crashes probably at least one wing will pop off. And because the wings are weak. The recovery system that I'm thinking should work indipendently from the C.H.U.C.K.,because if the Disco will go into crash/recovery mode it will requires a power reset. Adding also a parachute will reduce the chance that the Disco falls in an orientation other than flat. I want that the propellers can be enabled and disabled thought the 4G c

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