Here I present a new philosophy on how to program a TFT display using a Arduino Uno/nano. At the time of publishing; the slave sketch consumed just 54% of program memory and 30% of dynamic memory. The module is intended to be a I2C slave but can be a stand alone unit as there is still plenty of program space to work with.
The system was developed using the Adafruit_GFX.h library so if your display supports the GFX library then tweaking the initialization code should be easy.
The GUI is coded using VBA in Excel. Easy-ish to follow,modify and work with. A stand alone program may follow if there is interest.
If you are looking for examples within the sketches for your own project
I use
RGB888 to RGB565 function
Structures to read/write to the EEPROMS
Structures to write over the I2c wire.
Interesting use of excel. I like it.