Hi all! For a long time, uECG was the first and only device available for sale on Tindie. But this fall, everything has changed! We launched the second device - uMyo!

uMyo is a single-channel EMG device that uses two attachment methods (dry and wet electrodes), but also:
- It's wireless! No more mess of wires when working with EMG
- Works with any Arduino via nRF24 radio module (we wrote an Arduino library for that)
- Works with ESP32 with no additional hardware (we wrote an Arduino library for that as well)
- Multiple units (up to 12 in current version) can send data to the same Arduino/ESP32
- Sends out detected muscle activity level, 4-bins spectrum and in nRF24 mode - also raw EMG data
Although uMyo is already on sale, but you can read the history of its creation on the project page, but this is not the end! We plan to come up with and post mini projects from different areas where you can use your muscles (spoiler: their purpose can be very unexpected), the whole process and code will be available for reproduction and inspiration. Subscribe!

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