
We’re taking a break until September 2024

A project log for uECG - small open source wireless ECG sensor

It's cheap, doesn't use a specialized heart rate AFE and can blink LEDs with your pulse :)

ultimate-roboticsUltimate Robotics 02/29/2024 at 13:510 Comments

After the events of last year (when our stores on Tindie and Etsy were blocked), we decided that this was a "sign" to stop a little and approach the future sales of our devices more reliably. 

Selling products from Ukraine was a quest from the very beginning, we spent almost a year to launch sales on Tindie in 2020, and a week after appearing on Etsy, we were blocked without specifying the exact reason (there was only a general list of policy categories).  

In any case, we’re grateful to Tindie for allowing us to sell our devices at all. 

And most importantly, we thank you all for supporting us and using uECG and uMyo! 💖🤗

But financial instruments in Ukraine do not allow us to fully use the existing platforms (we don’t have PayPal or Stripe) and we are very tired. We decided to take some time off to find alternative sales methods and platforms.  

So until September 2024, we will suspend sales of uECG and uMyo and concentrate on our other work, of which there is a lot. We would be happy if you continue to work on your projects and develop using our devices until we are back. We will provide support as before, but we will not be able to sell the devices.  

Good luck with your projects – and we’ll be in touch!
