
Wondering about battery

A project log for Darkroom lamp for wet plate collodion

Orange safelight for field photography

pierre-loup-mPierre-Loup M. 03/25/2019 at 17:410 Comments

While working on a project, there is always a moment where some question arise, as "am I right with the choices made", or "shouln't it be better to use this kind of switch", and so on.
They usually come an hour or two after having ordering the first batch of prototypes.

This time, there are two things:
- Should the USB port for powering or charging be placed behind ? It implies a longer support bracket. Maybe putting on one side (sorry for left-handed !) was a better idea...
- Is the lipo battery really a good idea ? Using cells would be cheaper (ok, the charge circuit costs virtually nothing), and they offer an advantage : when you battery dies and you can't charge it, you can find cells everywhere...

Feel free to let me know...


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